Hi, My name is Gary Estep and I am the owner of this website WorkAtHomeWithGary.com.

I live in West Virginia, United States of America.
I enjoy God, family, friends, neighbors, country, writing, gardening, good food, building things, repairing things, maintaining things, organizing things, networking, and affiliate marketing.
I was born in Baltimore, Maryland on October 1, 1959.
I have a daughter, son-in-law and grandson.

I have worked many different jobs throughout my life but I do not feel as though I achieved excellence in any particularly one. That being said, I believe I have learned much along the way.
When I was a child, I would walk around the neighborhood, picking up empty soda bottles. Then I would take them to the store where the owner would pay me two cents per bottle. I shoveled snow, mowed lawns, collected and sold scrap metal. I sold stuff at flea markets. I worked at a delicatessen store, a furniture company, a steel mill, an ornamental iron company, a construction company, a home improvement company, a flooring company, a vending company, a property management company, an auto parts store, a used car dealership, a pizza shop and a lumber mill.

Today, I am a gardener and a writer while networking and marketing affiliate products…multi tasking. 🙂
The reason why affiliate programs are the easiest option to make money online is because you don’t have to create your own product and you don’t have to deal with customer support. You simply make a sale. Affiliate marketing has changed the way I view work.

So, I am building this website to share with the world the beauty of God, family, friends, neighbors, country, writing, gardening, good food, building things, repairing things, maintaining things, organizing things, networking, and affiliate marketing.
I desire that one day Yehovah, my heavenly Father and Yeshua, my Lord, Saviour, God and coming King, will say to me well done thou good and faithful servant. Until that day I desire to help as many people as I can along the way.
Gary Estep